Part 1
When I become a teacher, I want to teach 12th grade seniors. The subject that I am absolutely in love with is math. When I was a senior in high school, I fell in love with pre-calculus. That's why I want to teach seniors. I hope to be the very best teacher I can be. I want my students to enjoy my class period, and strive to succeed in my class. I will try to have the very best attitude, and always teach with a smile. My teaching methods will be fun and entertaining. I want to use group work, SMART board presentations, and Ipads in my classroom.
I hope my students are eager to learn. They will be learning with very much technology. I want each of my students to make a blog. It will be a convenient way for them to communicate with one another, and myself. If they have a question, they will be able to ask a classmate, or myself using blogger. I hope to have each of them Ipads. It would be a great deal of help with my teaching techniques. I probably will rarely use pencil and paper note taking and lectures during my classes.
There are so many tools that my students and I can use during class time. I will prepare my lessons on the SMART board, and my students will be able to follow along. I want my students to be involved during lessons. Hopefully, everyone will have Ipads, and can do their homework and activities on them. I like the idea used in EDM310, no paper in and no paper out. At home, my students can complete their assignments online and submit them to me for grading. I am very excited to start teaching with technology.
I want my classroom to be fun and bright. Hopefully, I can paint my classroom exciting colors. I want to decorate my walls with encouraging words, and awesome work completed by my students. I want my classroom to be an exciting place to learn and study. My class will be technologically illiterate. I hope my students enjoy their group work, because their will be lots of it.
At the start of this semester I was definitely lost when it came to using technology in the classroom. I did not even want to think about it. I was set on using the standard lecture and taking notes procedures. At the time I did not think my class would be boring, I thought it would operate just fine. I did not think blogging would even fit well with math. I was soon proved wrong.
This semester has shown me that many technological methods are successful in many classrooms. I found out that lecturing is really boring compared to teaching yourself to do it. It only takes just a little more effort. I discovered many math teachers using blogger, and their students loving it. I found that blogging is a very useful tool. EDM310 has shown me just how much I did not know, and I am so thankful!
Part 2