Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Blog Post #3

Peer Editing

Peer Editing
In the video, What is Peer Editing?, I learned how to effectively edit my classmates blog post. When starting the editing, always start with a compliment. Tell them what you like about their post. Then tell them what they can improve on in a nice, and helpful manner. Let your classmate know that you are simply trying to help, not be mean. Never be a Mean Margaret or Picky Patty. Give your classmate advice to help them write a successful blog post, or any other assignment.

When I peer edit my assigned classmate for our next blog post, I hope to be very helpful. To start, I will leave a few pointers in a comment for him/her to read. The public will be able to view the comment. Hopefully it will assist the public as well. Then, I will send my assigned classmate a private message letting him/her know I was impressed with their work. I will also let them know which specific errors I found, and how I would correct them. I think peer editing is a great technique to learn from.

Assistive Technologies

The Mountbatten is a tool used for the blind. Teachers can use this machine to type out worksheets, and other material helpful to the student. The teacher is able to save files to this machine for future use and reference. I think this machine is very useful for children that are blind and their teachers. If this machine had not been invented teachers would have to find a more difficult way to educate these children. I would use this machine very much in my classroom. Even if I was not teaching any blind children, I would use the machine to assist other teachers who did have a blind child in their classroom.

There are many ways a blind student can be successful during their time in school. In today's society, blind students can use most technology that regular students use. Apple has improved the Ipad, and now blind students have a way to navigate around it. They can read books, and even study their lessons on the Ipad. When the blind student touches anything on the home screen, the Ipad says exactly what they have touched. Same goes for when they are reading a book on Ibooks. The student touches the words, and the Ipad reads the book to them.

In my classroom, I hope that I am fortunate enough to have advanced technology to assist my students. If I have any blind children in my class, I will try my hardest to have technology to accommodate them. I will be teaching math, so I would love to use the tool with the two dimensional blocks. I would also use the Ipad to help the students.

Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts

Vicki Davis sounds like an amazing teacher. She has a lot of the same ideas as Dr. Strange. Like Dr. Strange, Vicki davis teaches her classes through technology. She also learns new things from her students. She uses Dr. Strange's method of no burp back learning. Her class is a learn as to go class. Her students have activities where they teach the class with their group for a few days. Then, the next few days another group of students are teaching. Ms. Davis does not like to be in front of the classroom at all times teaching. She likes to change things up a bit.

I like Ms. Davis' method of teaching. One day when I have my own class, I would love to use some of her ideas. It makes the class interested when they are not doing the same thing day after day. In her video, I saw where she was using the smart board during one of her lessons. I like how she blogs, and her students do too. Her students seemed to love blogging. I hope one day, my students will like blogging too.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Blog Post #2

Did You Know?

In Dr. Strange's version of Karl Fisch and Scott Mcleod's Did you know? many ideas are brought up that almost anyone would not even think about. Most people think about what is going on near them, and what is happening a day or two away. People do not think about what is happening around the world at an exact time. In the video, Dr. Strange makes it obvious that we have no idea what other countries have going on. Personally, I never knew so many intelligent children existed.

Technology today has made so many things possible that in early years would have never been dreamed about. Google plays a major role in today's society. Without Google, some children could not do their work for school, or some teachers would not be able to do their research for tomorrows class. SMS messaging is how most people communicate now. Instead of making a phone call, most people send the person they need to reach a simple text. I am amazed at all the technology available, and I am very eager to learn how to put some of it to use.

Mr. Winkle Wakes

Mr. Winkle wakes is a short video about an old man that awoke to discover technology had taken over everything. He discovers all the new aspects of today's world by just walking down the street. He stops by the hospital and discovers machines who breath for humans that can't on their own. He is almost relieved when he goes to the school to find out students are learning the way they use to. He did see one thing out of the ordinary, a laptop.

I think technology is great. If Mr. Winkle gave technology a chance he would love it too. As for the boring classroom he visited, it could use a little also. I think class and lecture is a lot interesting with slide shows and power points on the lecture. In my opinion, students enjoy class more with technology than just taking notes and listening to lecture all day.

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity

Sir Ken Robinson covered some very important issues in his video. The number one issue being creativity. His thoughts on creativity are great. He thinks students learn in many different ways, and use different techniques to achieve. If the classroom does not involve creativity, the students may not have as much motivation to learn the material. Many activities that involve creativity will stick with the student and not be forgotten.

I think a classroom should be entertaining and fun. Students get bored when the lesson is ordinary. A teacher talking and students taking notes is not much fun. Some students need hands on activities and creative ways to learn. I agree with lecture and notes some of the time, but a little fun in learning is always good too. Many students learn in different ways. One student may study alone, while another student has to study with someone else just to learn the material.

In the future, more classroom will be advanced with higher technology. When I become a teacher, and have my own classroom students will be very technologically literate. I will have many ways to approach a lesson, and many plans to choose from. In Mr. Winkle Wakes, Mr. Winkle was lost and confused with all the high tech technology. Now, some students would be lost without their high tech technology.

I think the change in schools advancing to modern technology is for the better. Students will have more than one way to learn and study. Some subjects will achieve more from this than others. Teachers and parents should all be thankful that the internet will be a tool most teachers teach from. There are so many ideas available.


Pinterest has to be the best site ever! It has so many neat ideas to choose from! I could use many of the ideas in my classroom. One idea was sharing lesson plans between teachers. That would benefit everyone in that particular class. By sharing lesson plans, more ideas can be applied. Its always said two brains are better than one....right?

I followed Vicki Davis's page on Pinterest because she had a lot of boards on dressing up your classroom. She had a lot of ideas about decorating, and other neat things to do to make your classroom interesting. Kristen Brynteson's page has a lot of pins. She pined stuff on resources and free apps on education.

I could use Pinterest in my classroom in so many ways, and I already plan to. I plan to get worksheets and other activities for my students from Pinterest. There are creative activities on this website that could be very useful to me as well as my students. I plan on getting group activity ideas from this website also. Pinterest is the way to go!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Blog Post #1

About Me
My name is Hannah Dickerson. I am twenty two years old and I am from a small town outside of Mobile called Saraland, Alabama. I am a junior at the University of South Alabama and my major is secondary education concentrating in mathematics. I plan to teach high school students one day and I can't wait! I am inspired to teach math because it is so challenging. I never get bored with math as I do with history, or english. I have had a passion for this subject since I started middle school. When I began taking higher math courses, I knew then that I wanted to be a teacher and help the children not understanding the subject. I think I am very good at explaining and teaching others.

My family and I are very close. I have a little brother and he is eighteen years old. I am so proud of him because he will be graduating this year from high school. My dad is a police officer for The Saraland Police Department, and my mom stays at home. My grandmother and pawpaw are my heart. I look up to them so much. They are all very supportive in my decision to become a math teacher.

My Future Classroom
My future classroom is going to be very lively. When my students walk through the door they will be ready to learn. My classroom will be decorated with bulletin boards with information being learned in class. I will also post student work around my classroom, like projects and homework.

I will use technology in my classroom. Hopefully by the time I have my own classroom, most students will have their own Ipad, or tablet of some sort. I want to use these devices for hands on activities, and more ways of learning. There are many resources available on the internet to help assist in the learning process. I would be very grateful to have a smart board in my classroom. I could use the smart board during lecture and student activities. It would make lecture more interesting and students more eager to learn.

When I have obtained my masters in secondary education, I hope to teach seniors. I think teaching upperclassmen would be so much fun. Preparing those young adults for college, and watching them succeed would make my job worth while. I would do everything in my power to help them learn and teach themselves for college the next year.

I hope to one day teach Pre-Calculus. I find this subject very challenging and interesting. When I took Pre-Calculus as a senior I was prepared for college the very next year. When teaching this subject, I will be very organized with lesson plans and activities for my students. I can not wait to start my teaching career.

Randy Pausch Time Management
I do not know much about Dr. Pausch, but his ideas are very helpful. I like his idea of a to do list. A to do list could be very helpful. Mapping out what activities you have to complete during the week is a good idea. I am going to try it.