Sunday, April 14, 2013

Blog Post #12

This week our assignment was to create a blog post assignment that Dr. Strange would most likely assign to us. The assignment has to involve our field of study. I am majoring in secondary education- math. I chose to make my assignment on a high school math teachers blog. The assignment is as follows:

1.) Mr. Sladkey is a high school math teacher. He has many teaching techniques for mathematics. Read his blog post Have Students Teach the Class: The Student Engagement Wheel.

2.) In a paragraph or more summarize Mr. Sladkey's post, and describe if you would use this technique in your classroom. Follow the rules in Writing a Quality Blog Post.

In Mr. Sladkey's Blog Post he talks about The Student Engagement Wheel. This wheel consist of many ideas that students can work together and learn the material. I think this is a great idea. This could really help with using different ideas instead of the same ideas all the time. Mr. Sladkey also says that when students teach others topics they have learned, they learn themselves. To teach someone you have to have a good understanding of the matter you are teaching. When his students teach their classmates, they have a good understanding of the material. Group work plays a big role in teaching mathematics. Students seem to learn the topics better while working in a group. I think Mr. Sladkey has many good ideas and I would definitely use these techniques in my classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Hannah!

    It sounds like you really did some research putting together this assignment. I'd have to agree that math would be easier if you could work in groups with your classmates instead of having to watch the teacher, or do it on the board in front of the whole class. I feel like students are always more comfortable working with their peers and helping each other learn how to solve the problems. It's very true that teaching it helps you retain the knowledge as well.

    Great job!
