Sunday, March 24, 2013

Blog Post #9

Mr. McClung's Third Year Reflection

In Mr. McClung's third year reflection there were a lot of firsts. It was his first time teaching at a school for two consecutive years. Also it was the first time to be a head coach, coach cross country, and to teach computer applications. In this reflection his first point is know who your boss is. He often finds himself getting caught up in who likes him and what people think of him. Teachers often get consumed in other things and forget that students are their primary focus. His next point is do not expect others to be as excited as you are about change. Mr. McClung says he is the geek in the corner coming up with new ideas, and actually using them. You have to enjoy the aspects of teaching and not let the others steer you in the wrong direction. The next point discussed is to not be afraid to be an outsider. He says that as a teacher you can not worry about what others think about you. You have to do what benefits your students and do what is best for them. The next point he discussed is do not touch the keyboard. He says that if you take over and do it for your students they will not try to do it themselves. They will not take it upon themselves to learn on their own. The next point is to not get comfortable. Mr. McClung says that if you get comfortable you will fall back as a teacher. When you get comfortable you start slacking and not doing your very best.

This reflection has really opened my eyes to being a teacher. I realized that teaching is not just a walk in the park. You have to actually try and do your very best. You can not always worry about what others think of you, you have to do what is best for your students. Mr. McClung made many great points in this reflection. He is learning new things each year, and he is not getting comfortable. He is trying his very best. This is exactly what I am going to do when I become a teacher.

Mr. McClung's Fourth Year Reflection

In Mr. McClung's fourth year reflection he learned many different things also. The first point he talks about is you dance with who you came to dance with. One thing he has struggled with this school year is coping with his peers. He worried so much about what his peers thought, or what he could do to please them. He finally realizes that teaching is not about that. Teaching is changing the lives of your students by helping them learn and be successful. The next point he covers is challenge yourself. He found himself using old lesson plans and becoming lazy. He started challenging himself to do better. His students became more eager, and so did he.

I think this reflection is really helpful as well. Its nice to have relationships with other teachers you work with. Do not worry about impressing them or anything else. They are in the same boat as you are. Also, do not become to comfortable with your everyday routine. Your lessons will result in this, and other things to follow. I plan to try and stay motivated to do my very best. I will challenge myself to do so.

1 comment:

  1. "I realized that teaching is not just a walk in the park. You have to actually try and do your very best." Of course!
